Starostlivosť o pleť nezanedbávajte. Pomocou masiek viete podporiť elasticitu pokožky a vyrovnávať malé vrásky ktoré dotvárajú jeden celok. Vybrala som PEPTIDOVÉ A BIOBOTOXOVE.
Masky sú veľmi príjemné a ich aplikácia je veľmi jednoduchá. Hýčkajte sa! Pleť Vám to zaručene vráti.
I have made artificial eyelashes for you ladies in several designs. Each of you will surely choose the best for her from my wide offer. They create an irresistible look, they are pleasant, light and I took care of their shape and structure. They form an integral part of day, evening and bridal makeup and as I wear them daily, I can say they are incredibly comfortable. I apply them in the morning and put them away nicely in the evening. The lashes I offer are not a one-off affair, if you take nice care of them they will last you a very long time, which means gently removing the glue and putting them away in the box properly. No need to use mascara after application. You can find video tutorials on how to apply them on my instagram @lucidstyle_official.
Also see the adhesives in the shop in three versions namely transparent, white and black which is my favorite and tweezers for easy application.
Women love attention !
Gentlemen, if you want to surprise and gift a woman with a voucher, you choose very well. By taking care service of vouchers of four variants, you will surely climb :), make the best impression and impress with your creativity. Exceptional feeling is above gold for a woman! A woman needs to be special and with the right choice, you might hit a very favorable date when she herself is thinking of some change or is interested in cosmetics and my world on an intense basis. Your job is to gift, the gifted will get very useful advice, from my years of experience and practical knowledge from years of skincare practice, on how to best and most effectively care for her skin. Nourish and moisturise it to maintain its elasticity, colour, healthy appearance and of course I will advise on suitable products to work with. The vouchers are suitable for all ages. But what else will please the recipient the most ? She chooses the date when a visit to my studio is most convenient for her.
You can gift a voucher to your mother, daughter, girlfriend, friend …
I look forward to meeting you together … because Being a woman is a message!
LUCID Style Special Gift Sets